მთავარი » 2010 » აგვისტო » 14 » World Cup 2010 Mathes Result
11:11 PM
World Cup 2010 Mathes Result

World Cup 2010 Mathes Result - WWW.ALLFILE.DO.AM - Internet Files Encyclopedia / ინტერნეტ ფაილების ენციკლოპედია

Africa 2010 is a simple and easy-to-use application that will help you
track your favorite team’s progress through the World Cup.

-Complete matches calendar (filterable by stage, group and team)
-Graphical visualization of groups and second stage
-Online update of the match results
for the conversion of the match dates and time based on your local
timezone and your system format: you can insert directly your timezone
difference with South Africa or compute it automatically via Internet
simply by selecting your geographical area.
-Data copy function
enabled into every section of the application (you can paste data
directly into a spreadsheet or word processor).
-The statistics are ordered by rank and exportable in both text and HTML format.
-Proxy support (basic authentication method).

Download - World Cup 2010 Mathes Result - ALLFILE.DO.AM

კატეგორია: პროგრამები | ნანახია: 1267 | დაამატა: allfile | ტეგები: statistic, world cup 2007, football, Mathes, world cup 2008, World Cup 2010, Statistics, matches result, world cup 2009, Result | რეიტინგი: 5.0/1
სულ კომენტარები: 0