მთავარი » 2009 » აგვისტო » 31 » No, the Vagina Doesn't 'Heal Up and Close' from Disuse
1:07 AM
No, the Vagina Doesn't 'Heal Up and Close' from Disuse

I know what it's like to feel like your vagina is broken. It's called natural childbirth people. But I don't think even women who feel like they tore from stem to stern during the big push would refer to their va-ja-jay as an open wound.

Come to think of it, after childbirth, that place isn't open for much business for awhile. Period. Still, the Yahoo Answers idiot question of the week award goes to the poster who asked "If a vagina isn't used can it heal up and close?"

Short answer: No.

კატეგორია: ინფო - არც ერთს არ ეხება | ნანახია: 1696 | დაამატა: allfile | ტეგები: Women, wife, relationships, mother, sex, body, Vagina, husband, stupid people, childbirth | რეიტინგი: 0.0/0
სულ კომენტარები: 0